The Mobile app on Papaya cultivation has been developed for Android OS platform with navigational features which provides crop management solutions.
Type of Information offered:
• Crop production aspects
• Disease management
• Pest management
• Varieties
The Crop production viz. Spacing and planting, Propagation, Nutrient management, Irrigation etc.,are available.
The Disease and Pest management includes various diseases and pests affecting Papaya crop describing its symptoms, Epidemiology and management/control measures for better management of their crops. The IDM & IPM strategies also provided.
The nematode management on papaya crop comprising preparation of soil mixture for producing seedlings and management of nematodes in main field also included.
Further, IIHR released Papaya varieties and hybrids along with salient features are also included, the other promising varieties that are grown in different states also included. A query window for farmers is available to post their cultivation related problems and planting material availability etc. All these farmers queries are received as emails and reply will be communicated to their email address by domain experts.